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Forums: Index > Completed Quests > Disappearance of the Druids

Directly following the Battle of Willowdale, the druids of the Ravenswood circle were discovered missing from their home in the forest. Tracks and traps found about the area suggest that they fled from some dark intent, attributed to the forces of the Necromancer. Neither Scrying nor Communing could locate their leader, the Arch-Druid. A message written in Druidic found in the nearby elven watchtower claimed that they were heading towards the Sawtooth Vale. This message was later found to have been forged by the Necromancer in order to lead the Pathfinders (and presumably Jura in particular) to the Sawtooth Vale, where the shadow-druids were waiting in ambush. They claimed to have moved to the Vale since the Ravenswood is now part of the Necromancer's holdings.

An agent of the Cathedral of the Blackened Sun was found later in that same watchtower, impersonating a Ravenswood druid. His full intent was never discovered, but he was most likely rounding up stray druids.

The Pathfinders also investigated the Tree Shrine in the Western Rainforest on the suggestion of former Ravenswood initiate Terminus. Though there were signs of the recent presence of at least a small number of druids, an animal witness claimed that no one had been at the shrine for at least a day or two. It seems as though this shrine is visited by druids from the south, and the traces of visitors is not indicitive of the Ravenswood druids.

According to the First, the Arch-Druid is a "permanent" guest in the Bone Ziggurat. It can be inferred from the myriad of evidence collected that the druids, besides those who fled to Willowdale, were either killed or captured by the Necromancer, or are in deep hiding.
